Invitation to Tender – City of Good Summit 2024 (Event Organiser)

By City of Good  /
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Tender Reference Number: TBREFNO/NV&_209/151123/1

You are invited by National Volunteer and Philanthropy Centre (hereinafter referred to as “NVPC”) to submit a tender for the supply of goods and/or services mentioned above.

Project Briefing

There will not be a project briefing for this tender.  Please submit any queries to [email protected] and we will respond accordingly.

Tender Documents

The Invitation to Tender Comprises of the following Tender Documents:

  1. Invitation to Tender covering letter;
  2. Part 1 – Instructions to Tenderers
  3. Part 2 – Conditions of Contract
  4. Part 3 – Requirement Specifications
  5. Part 4 – Eligibility and Evaluation Criteria
  6. Part 5 – Form of Tender
  7. Part 6 – Price Schedule
  8. Part 7 – Confidentiality and Data Protection Undertaking
  9. Annex C – Statement of Compliance to Requirement Specifications
  10. Annex D – Tenderer’s Particulars
  11. Annex E – Track Records

The scope and nature of this tender are specified in the Part 3 – Requirement Specifications.

Eligibility and Evaluation Criteria

Your Tender will be evaluated based on the criteria, as explained in Part 4 – Eligibility and Evaluation Criteria.

Collection of Tender Documents

Interested tenderers are to register on NVPC’s e-Procurement website (TenderBoard) for access to the tender documents. The tender documents will be provided to interested tenderers between 20 November 2023 and 11 December 2023 in the form of PDF. 

Tender submission instructions

Submission of Tender

Tender documents are only to be submitted electronically in PDF format via NVPC’s e-Procurement website (TenderBoard) from 20 November 2023, 12.00 noon onwards.

Tenderers must submit their Tender Offers by the Closing date, which is at 12.00 noon, on 11 December 2023. Late submissions will NOT be accepted.

Tenderers are advised to refer to Paragraph 5 of Part 1 – Instructions to Tenderers for details on submission of tender and Part 3 – Tender Specification on Submission of Proposal for documents to be included in the Tender Submission.

The following documents need to be submitted as part of your tender offer:

  1. Part 5 – Form of Tender;
  2. Part 6 – Price Schedule;
  3. Part 7 – Confidentiality and Data Protection Undertaking;
  4. Annex C – Compliance Statement;
  5. Annex D – Tenderer’s Particulars;
  6. Annex E – Track Records: and
  7. Proposal for COG Summit 2024 (Event Organiser).

If there are any changes or amendments to the tender documents or any response to clarifications requested by Tenderers before the closing date for submission, notification will be given through the publication of a Corrigendum to the Tender Notice through NVPC’s e-Procurement website (TenderBoard) and/or the NVPC Website at

Tenderers are advised to check NVPC’s e-Procurement website (TenderBoard) and the NVPC Website at for any Corrigendum/Addendum which is issued prior to the Tender Closing Date before submitting their tenders. Acknowledgement of receipt by tenderers is not required as any published Corrigendum/Addendum is deemed to form part of the Invitation of Tender.

NVPC does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any Tender Offers.


Any queries regarding this Invitation to Tender should be made via email directly to Mr Jansen Quek, Senior Manager – Finance, at [email protected] by 1 December 2023, 5.00 pm.  All such questions regarding the tender will be answered by addenda addressed to all Tenderers through the posting of a Corrigendum/Addendum/FAQ by 4 December 2023, 5.00 pm. Any corrigendum/addenda issued during the tender period is deemed to form part of the Invitation of Tender